Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ultimate Nerdom

So since I go to college about a month after everyone else does, I found it imperative to find a source of entertainment for the waning days of my summer vacation. (Besides, my Age of Empires III clanmates were starting to get a bit boring to talk to once I realized that none of them spoke English).

So I endured the blistering heat in my attic (the newly-installed window added little in the way of ventilation), and I came across a brown bag. Expecting nothing, I opened it up, and out spilled numerous colorful cards with blue backing. I had found a trading card game that I had made in the 8th grade, which had been given the unfortunate name "Fortification." I felt like the kids in Jumanji when they found that creepy board game. I was ecstatic!

Unfortunately, I had forgotten all the rules, and of course, there wasn't a rule book in sight. But upon closer examination and after a heavy dose of speculation, I made some preliminary rules. I wanted to play this game. Now.

Now here came the hard part: Convincing someone to play with me. While the cards were certainly colorful, and all of the creature cards had the same exact layout and some sort of color scheme, the art was just not up to par. They looked like Pokemon that were beat when they were young. Well, except for Ditto. That guy looked like garb to begin with.

Anyways, with some consistent pestering, I convinced/forced some of my friends to test the game. As the game progressed, I made up rules and took a marker and changed the rules on all of the cards and won every game we ever played. My friends never spoke to me again and unfriended me on facebook. The End.

But that's not what actually happened. Turned out the game has some potential to really be pretty fun. It was sort of a mix of some turn-based PC games, with elements of the Harry Potter TCG (R.I.P.), Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and unwittingly, Magic the Gathering as well. If you are not familiar with any of these aforementioned games, then consider yourself socially adequate.

But after playing a couple games, I really wanted to make more cards, fix some balancing issues, and at least put some more time into the artwork. Hey, I have about a month left, all my friend(s) will be off to college, and what the heck, it's not like I have a life or anything!

Anyways, for the millions of people reading this blog internationally, I'll post the rules in a little bit.

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