Dojo TCG Rule Book
Abstract: Dojo is a turn-based trading card game based on creatures and elemental
Goal: The ultimate aim of this game is to destroy your opponent’s homeland while keeping yours intact.
Getting Started: Each player may have a deck consisting of 50 cards, and 1 homeland, for a total of 51 cards. There may be up to two of the same ★ and ★★ creatures in each deck, but only one of any ★★★ creature in each deck.
Action: Every player has 3 actions per turn. An action can be used to play creatures, items, face-down items, attachments, locations. An action may be used to do a secondary or POWER attack to an opponent’s creatures or homeland. An action may be used to bank 3 CU. So a turn of 3 actions may be used to bank 9 CU. An action may be used to draw a card.
Draw: This refers to placing the card on top of your deck into your hand.
Discard: This refers to removing a card from your deck, hand, or field and placing it into the discard pile.
Cost Unit: (CU) is the common currency in the game, and is used to play items, face down items, attachments, locations, fighting caste creatures, and also to use some attacks. Each Player starts with 25 CU, and receives a free 3 CU at the start of every turn.
Types of Cards: There are many different card types in Dojo TCG. There are creature cards, Item cards, face-down item cards, attachments, locations, and homeland cards.
Homelands: Each homeland has 25 health, and confers a health bonus of +1 to each creature of the corresponding element.
Creature Cards: Creature cards are the life blood of your attacking force, and are usually the primary means to both defend your homeland and to attack your opponent’s homeland and creatures. They are usually characterized by a unique element, rarity/power measure, multiple attacks, and other auxiliary bonuses.
Components of Creature Cards: Creature cards display a name, element, health value, rarity measure, a primary, secondary and POWER attack, which may carry a CU value (To be discussed later), as well as a possible auxiliary bonus. All creatures also carry a Tribute value on the bottom right corner of the card, which is the amount of CU that the attacking player receives if they defeat the creature.
Elemental Castes: There are four distinct elemental castes in this game: Water, Fire, Electricity, and Earth, all of which have corresponding homelands. There is a 5th caste, the fighting caste, which does not have a corresponding homeland, but usually confers an auxiliary bonus.
Health value: Refers to how much health a creature has. Once a creature loses all of its health, it is placed in the discard pile, and the attacking player receives the creature’s tribute.
Creature Rarity: The rarity of a creature is designated by either ★,★★, or ★★★. A ★ represents a creature of common rarity, a ★★ represents a creature of common rarity, and a ★★★ represents a rare creature.
Rarity and Actions: A creature of ★ rarity can be played using one action, a ★★ creature can be played using two actions, and a ★★★ creature can be played using three actions.
Rarity and Playing Creatures: Creatures must be played in a specific order at the beginning of the game. The first creature played must be a ★. The second may be either a ★ or a ★★, and the third may be either a ★, ★★, or a ★★★. However, the first creature card played must be a ★.
Creature Attacks
Attacks: A Creature may have up to three attacks, a primary attack, secondary attack, and a POWER attack. A creature’s primary attack may be used without using up an action or any CU, as long as it is used the turn after the creature is played. A Secondary attack uses up 1 action and the CU cost designated on the card. Lastly, a power attack uses up 2 actions and the CU cost designated on the card. Damage done by an attack may be distributed however you choose.
Attacking the Homeland: The opponent’s homeland may only be attacked when there are no creatures defending it. Each homeland has 25 health, and the game ends when one person’s homeland is destroyed.
How to play items: All items require an action to be played, and also have a corresponding CU cost. The instructions on the card may then be followed. Unlike Face-Down Items, these cards are played face-up.
Face-Down Items
How to play Face-Down Items: Face-Down Items are always played Face-Down on the field. They require an action to play, as well as the CU cost denoted on the card. They may be activated whenever the opponent plays a card that triggers the face-down. Simply follow the instructions on the card.
How to play attachments: Attachments may be attached to creatures already on the field. They require an action and a CU cost denoted on the card to be put into play. They usually confer health and attack bonuses.
How to play locations: Locations require an action and the CU cost denoted on the card to be put into play. Follow the instruction on the card. Locations have a health value, and stay in play as long as their health remains intact. Locations may be attacked by creatures, and are discarded when they lose all their health.
Playing the Game
Every player starts with 25 CU, and may draw the top 7 cards off of their shuffled deck. At the beginning of every turn (other than the first), draw a card and receive 3 CU.
The first three turns of the game are deemed the Peace Treaty turns, where no damage is allowed to be dealt to the opponent’s creatures, by creatures, items, face-down items, locations, attachments, auxiliary bonuses, or any other means.
Play the game, and do it BIG.
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